What to expect
When you walk through the doors at Eau Claire Wesleyan, you will be greeted with a smile, a handshake or two, and the offer of a hot cup of coffee.
While you are here, you are our welcome guest. It is our hope that Eau Claire Wesleyan Church is a place where you and your family find connection with other people who are seeking to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other.
While you are here, you are our welcome guest. It is our hope that Eau Claire Wesleyan Church is a place where you and your family find connection with other people who are seeking to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other.
What is a Service like? |
Our 10:00 AM services are an hour long and are centered around two essential practices of the Christian experience: honest, Jesus-centered worship and practical conversations about The Word.
Whether you are established in your faith or seeking answers to life's big questions, at Eau Claire Wesleyan, you can expect to discover more about the fullness of life found in Christ and what it means to live like God's Kingdom is here and now. |
How Should
Whether you are comfortable dressed up in your finest or in a trusty pair of jeans and a graphic tee, you will likely find someone leading from the platform who is dressed just like you.
Don't let clothing style be a barrier between you and God. |