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Your Servant Profile
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Top Three Spiritual Gifts
Please list your three highest scoring Spiritual Gifts from your NETWORK assessment.
Ministry Possibilities
Based on your Servant Profile, list some ministry possibilities that you see for yourself and that others around your table at NETWORK saw in you.
Personal Ministry Style
Task Structured
Task Unstructured
People Structured
People Unstructured
Personal Ministry Styles are outlined on page 117 of NETWORK. Please select ONE.
Ministry Passion
Celebration Ministries
Outreach Ministries
Connecting Ministries
Equipping Ministries
Caring Ministries
Supporting Ministries
Ministry passions are outlined on page 128 in NETWORK. Please select ONE.
Time and Availability
Everyone has rhythms and seasons of availability. We want to help plug you into a ministry that will help you engage at the capacity that you are available for. Please select ONE of the following: Unavailable: Cannot serve at this time. Unsure of whereof when I can serve. Limited: 1 - 2 hours per week. Moderate: 2 - 4 hours per week. Expanding: 4 or more hours per week.
Spiritual Maturity
An important key to serving in the right area is knowing how you are doing in your relationship with Jesus. Everything we do pours out of that and there is no shame in being honest in acknowledging where you are on your faith journey. Seeker/Unsure: I'm not sure how to describe my current level of spiritual maturity. New/Young: I have recently become a Christian, or I have been a Christian for some time and recently am understanding what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Stable/Growing: I am regular in worship, fellowship, giving, and pursuing a life of greater devotion to Christ. I am teachable and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life. Modeling/Guiding: I am a fully devoted follower of Jesus. I have reached a level of spiritual maturity and confidence in my walk with God that other look at me as an example of faithfulness.
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